Group Verbs Or Phrasal Verbs For Class 9 [Chapter -7]

Fill up the gaps in the following sentences with suitable Phrasal Verbs:-

1. Vidyasagar______a poor family.

Ans:— Vidyasagar came of a poor family.

2. Our classes will______at 2 pm today.

Ans:— Our classes will break up at 2 p.m. today.

3. We_____new dresses among the poor in Puja.

Ans:— We gave away new dresses among the poor in Puja.

4. I cannot_______the handwriting of the boy.

Ans:- I cannot make out the handwriting of the boy.

5. _____the light before leaving for upstairs.

Ans:- Put out the light before leaving for upstairs.

6. You should________the doctor immediately.

Ans:— You should call in the doctor immediately.

7. Can you______the name of the hotels we stayed in ?

Ans:— Can you call up the name of the hotels we stayed in?

8. The wedding ceremony is_______next Friday.

Ans:— The wedding ceremony is coming off next Friday.

9. i________my teacher yesterday.

Ans:— I called on my teacher yesterday.

10. _______the good work you are doing.

Ans:— Keep up the good work you are doing.

Replace the underlined words with suitable Phrasal Verbs from the list given. You may have to change the form where necessary:—

List: — Set in, break up, give up, take down, run after, make up, turn up, bring out, break out, tell upon

1. Over-eating tells upon our health. 

Ans:- Over-eating affects our health.

2. Malaria has spread in the city.

Ans:— Malaria has broken out in the city.

3. Our school magazine is going to be brought out soon.

Ans:— Our school magazine is going to be published soon.

4. Of 150 guests, only 50 have come so far. 

Ans:— Of 150 guests, only 50 have turned up so far.

5. You should settle your old disputes.

Ans:— You should make up your old disputes.

6. Why are you chasing wealth only ?

Ans:— Why are you running after wealth only?

7. The boys wrote the notes given by the teacher.

Ans:- The boys took down the notes given by the teacher.

8. He shunned his bad habits and tried to live in a better way.

Ans:— He gave up his bad habits and tried to live in a better way.

9. The show ends at 6 p.m.

Ans:- The show breaks up at 6 p.m.

10. Rain has started quite early this year.

Ans:— Rain has set in quite early this year.

Replace the verbs and fill in the following blanks with the correct phrasal verb:——

1. The old man has______(recovered) miraculously.

Ans:— The old man has come round miraculously.

2. The fire has not yet been________(extinguished).

Ans:— The fire has not yet been put out.

3. He had tightly._________(caught) the two fingers of the boy.

Ans:— He had tightly held on to the two fingers of the boy.

4. The baby_________(resembles) his elder brother.

Ans:— The baby takes after his elder brother.

5. I can distinctly______(remember) my childhood days.

Ans:- I can distinctly call up my childhood days.

6. The two friends________(quarrelled) for nothing.

Ans:— The two friends fell out for nothing.

7. I have_______(read) the book.

Ans:— I have gone through the book.

8. His success was______(overcome) by his enemy.

Ans:— His success was got over by his enemy.

9. She has______(passed) the examination.

Ans:— She has got through the examination.

10. His health has__________(collapsed) for hard labour.

Ans:- His health has broken down for hard labour.

11. You should_________(leave) your bad habits.

Ans:- You should give up your bad habits.

12. The student could not_________(understand) what the teacher said.

Ans:— The student could not make out what the teacher said.

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