Transformation Of Sentences For Class 9 [Chapter -8]

1. Everyone in our party was surprised. (Use ‘surprise’ as Noun)

Ans:— It was a surprise to everyone in our party.

2. Then someone asked Bhola Grandpa what he was gripping. (Use the Noun form of ‘gripping’)

Ans:— Then someone asked Bhola Grandpa what was in his grip.

3. At once father and his friends started looking for the hidden treasure (Use ‘hidden’ as Verb)

Ans:— At once father and his friends started looking for the treasure which was hidden.

4. Bhola Grandpa confessed that there was no real treasure. (Use the Noun form of ‘confessed’)

Ans:— Bhola Grandpa made the confession that there was no real treasure.

5. People took care to move about only in groups, particularly after sundown. (Use the Adjective form of ‘care’)

Ans:— People were careful to move about only in groups, particularly after sundown.

6. Bhola Grandpa turned and found the bright gaze of the tiger on his face. (Use the Adverb form of ‘bright’) 

Ans:— Bhola Grandpa turned and found the tiger gazing brightly on his face. 

7. Bhola Grandpa instantly climbed up a nearby banyan tree. (Use the Adjective form of ‘instantly’)

Ans:— Bhola Grandpa in instant response climbed up a nearby banyan tree. 

8. With nightfall, the forest grew dark and silent. (Use the Noun forms of ‘dark’ and ‘silent’)

Ans:— With nightfall, there came darkness and silence in the forest.

9. She said with a sigh, “The old man must have forgotten to breathe.” (Use the Adverb form of ‘sigh’) 

Ans:— She said sighingly, “The old man must have forgotten to breathe.”

10. It was a bitterly cold night.(Use an Adjective Clause)

Ans:— It was a night which was bitterly cold.

11. The younger woman carried a little Pekinese dog.(Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— The younger woman carried a dog which was a little Pekinese.

12. The conductor came in and took their fares. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:- Coming in, the conductor took their fares.

13.Then his eyes rested on the beady-eyed dog. (Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— Then his eyes rested on the dog which was beady-eyed.

14. This was the opportunity for which the conductor had been waiting. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— The conductor had been waiting for this opportunity.

15. I had marked him as the type who had a general vague grievance about everything. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— I had marked him as the type having a general vague grievance about everything.

16. I shall certainly do nothing of the kind. (Make it an Affirmative Sentence)

Ans:— I refuse to do anything of the kind.

17. She had evidently expected the challenge and knew the reply. (Use ‘evident’ in place of ‘evidently’)

Ans:— It was evident that she had expected the challenge and knew the reply.

18. It seemed indifferent to the shouts of the passengers to stop.(Use the Noun form of ‘indifferent’)

Ans:— It showed indifference to the shouts of the passengers to stop.

19. The passengers burst out with indignant protests and appeals. (Use the Adverb form of ‘indignant’)

Ans:— The passengers burst out indignantly with protests and appeals.

20. You have kept the rule, but broken its spirit. (Make it a Complex/Simple Sentence)

Ans:— Though you have kept the rule, you have broken its spirit.(Complex)

Ans:— In spite of keeping the rule, you have broken its spirit.(Simple)

21. You can hear a robin singing. (Make it an Interrogative Sentence)

Ans:— Can’t you hear a robin singing?

22. The white-headed thrush bursts into an excited cry. (Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— The thrush which is white-headed bursts into an excited cry.

23. At eight o’clock the zoo staff arrives. (Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— The zoo staff arrives when it is eight o’clock.

24. You can hear them shout greetings to each other. (Make it an Interrogative Sentence)

Ans:— Can’t you hear them shout greetings to each other?

25. I’m a very fine bird. (Make it Interrogative)

Ans:— Am I not a very fine bird?

26. The gorillas have been let out of their cages while the cages are cleaned. (Use the Noun form of ‘cleaned’)

Ans:— At the time of cleaning the cages, the gorillas have been let out of their cages.

27. You pass slowly down the house to the big cage. (Make it Complex Sentence)

Ans:— You pass slowly down the house to the cage which is big.

28. You come out of the bird house, then walk to the reptile house. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— After coming out of the bird house, you walk to the reptile house.

29. As they come flooding into the grounds, everyone has to be alert. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— Everyone has to be alert at the time of their coming like a flood into the grounds.

30. Towards evening the visiting crowd thins out. (Use ‘visitor’ in place of ‘visiting’)

Ans:— Towards evening the crowd of visitors thins out.

31. She must hurry or she will miss it. (Make it a Negative Sentence/Simple Sentence)

Ans:— She must hurry not to miss it.

32. The children were eager to see the sun. (Use the Noun form of ‘eager’)

Ans:— The children were full of eagerness to see the sun.

33. It was as if a hurricane had lost its sound. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— It was like a hurricane losing its sound.

34. The children put their hands to their ears. (Make it Interrogative)

Ans:— Didn’t the children put their hands to their ears?

35. The smell of the silent, waiting world came to them.(Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— It was the smell of the silent, waiting world I that came to them.

36. It was the colour of flaming bronze and it was very large. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— It was very large with the colour of flaming bronze.

37. The jungle burned with sunlight. (Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— It was sunlight with which the jungle burned.

38. Oh, it’s better than lamplights. (Use the Positive Degree)

Ans:— Oh, no lamplights aren’t as good as it.

39. They took off their jackets, and let the sun warm their arms. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— Taking off their jackets, they let the sun warm their arms.

40. They tumbled upon each other, and ran. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— Tumbling upon each other, they ran.

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