Write a Story Writing on A Fox And A Stork

Outline:— A fox invited a stork-served food in a flat dish-fox ate easily-stork could not eat-another day the stork invited the fox-food served in jar with long neck-the stork ate but fox could not.


Once there lived a fox in a jungle by a large lake. He was very clever. He loved befooling others. One day he came across a stork. He invited the bird. The innocent stork accepted the invitation. The fox intentionally served the food in a flat dish. As a result, he himself ate all the food easily but the stork could not. To teach him a lesson, the stork also invited the fox. The bird served the food in a jar with long neck. As a result, the bird could eat all the food easily but the fox could not.

Moral:—Tit for tat.

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আমি আশা করি এই পোস্টটি পড়ার পরে, আপনি কোনও সমস্যা ছাড়াই সমস্যাটি সমাধান করতে সক্ষম হবেন। যাইহোক, যদি কোনও সুযোগে ত্রুটিটি এখনও থেকে যায় তবে মন্তব্যে আমাকে জানাতে দ্বিধা করবেন না।

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