Group Verbs Or Phrasal Verbs For Class 9 [Chapter -7]

Replace the underlined words with suitable Phrasal Verbs from the list given. You may have to change the form where necessary:—

1) List: — come round, deal in, bear away

A. Sujoy won a lot of prizes.

B. My mother will recover soon.

C. Rambabu trades in rice.


A. Sujoy bore away a lot of prizes.

B. My mother will come round soon.

C. Rambabu deals in in rice.

2) List:— bring up, set in, set up

A. The helpless child was reared by an orphanage.

B. The girl began to cry, looking at it.


A. The helpless child was brought up by an orphanage.

B. The girl set in to cry, looking at it.

3) List:— bring out, take after, give up, look down upon.

A. The child resembles his grandfather.

B. We should abolish bad habits.

C. My mother taught me not to disrespect anyone.


A. The child has taken after grandfather.

B. We should  give up bad habits.

C. My mother taught me not to  look down upon anyone.

4) List: —look for, come round, look into, call up

A. The police investigated the case.

B. The old man could not remember his childhood.


A. The police looked into the case.

B. The old man could not call up his childhood.

5. List:— tell upon, break out, break off, fall upon.

A. Malaria has spread in the city.

B. Over-eating affects our Govt  health.


A. Malaria has  broken out in the chity

B. Over eating tells upon our govt. health.

6) List:— carry out, look down upon, tell upon, turn down,call up.

A. I shall execute your order.

B. My application was rejected.

C. Do not hate the poor.


A. i shall carry out your order.

B. My application was turned down .

C. Do not look down upon the poor.

7) List:— give in, look for, bring out, run after.

A. They published a magazine recently.

B. The enemy surrendered without a fight.


A)The brought out a magazine recently.

B) The enemy give in without a fight 

8) List: come about, come across, abide by, go on, put up with. 

A. Obey the rules.

B. i cannot tolerate such behaviour.

C. Continue with your success.

D. How did the incident happen?


A. Abide by the rules.

B. Cannot put up with such behaviour.

C. Go on with your success.

D. How did the incident come about.

9) List: put off, call off, come by, come across, bring up

A. How did you get this picture?

B. I met a lame man on the way to my school.

C. The strike at the jute mill has been withdrawn.


A. How did you come by this picture.

B. came across a lame man on the way to my school .

C. The strike at the jute mill has been called off.

10) List: give off, turn up, cry up, make up, set in, call off

A. The evening starts early in winter.

B. Every hawker praises his own goods.

C. The flower emits swet smell.

D. The members of the club appeared in time.

E. You must compensate for the loss.


A. The evening sets in early winter.

B. Every hawker cries up his own goods.

C. The flower gives off swet smell.

D. The members of the club turned up in time.

E. You  must make up for the loss.

11) List set up, look for, keep up with, hung off

A. Rabindranath established Visva Bharati Santiniketan.

B. The court released the man.

C. We should adjust our expenditure with our income.


A. Rabindranath set up Visva Bharati Santiniketan.

B. The court hung off the man.

C. we should keep up with our expenditure with our income.

12) List: give in, break into, give up, cut down, run after

A. The police chased the thieves.

B. The burglars forcibly entered the house.

C. One cannot change an old habit easily.

D. Everbody should reduce expenditure.


A. The police run after the thieves.

B. The burglars break into the house

C. one cannot give up an old habit easily.

D. Everbody should cut down expenditure

13) List: look up, break into, break up, break down, look after

A. Our car stopped functioning in the middle of the journey.

B. The school will dissolve for puja holidays.

C. Find the word in the dictionary.


A. Our car stopped  break down in the middle of the journey.

B. The school will break up for puja holidays.

C. look ups the word in the dictionary.

14) List: Call up, give up, bring up, back up, turn up

A. Shun evil company.

B. My friends are always ready to support me.

C. Some guests are yet to arrive.

D. The girl was reared by her uncle.


A. Give up evil company.

B. My friends are always ready to back up me.

C. Some guests are yet to turn up .

D. The girl was brought up by her uncle.

  ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍ 🌸 ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍

অনলাইন প্লাটফর্ম ব্যাবহার করা একজন নবীন ছাত্র-ছাত্রি বা তাদের পিতা-মাতার কাছে চ্যালেঞ্জের মতো মনে হতে পারে, তাই আমরা এর পুরোটাই অতি সহজে এবং সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে প্রশ্ন উত্তর সহ আলোচনা করা হয়েছে। আমরা কি আপনার পরিস্থিতির সমাধান করেছি – নাকি আপনি অন্য কিছু ব্যবস্থা অনুসরণ করছেন? আমাদের অবশ্যই জানাবেন।

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