Narration Change Exercise For Class 8 [Chapter – 4]

Change the mode of narration:—

1) My friend said to me, “Go home at once.” 

Ans:— My friend told me to go home at once.

2) The Statue: Please help me little Swallow. 

Ans:— The Statue requested the little Swallow to help him.

3) He said, “I shall come here tomorrow.”

Ans:— He said that he would go there the next day.

 4) Mother said to me, “Do not tell a lie.”

Ans:— Mother advised me not to tell a lie.

5) He said to you, “May God bless you.”

Ans:— He prayed that God might bless you.

6) He said to me, “What are you doing now?” 

Ans:— He asked me what I was doing then.

7) The man said, “What a beautiful bird it is!” 

Ans:— The man exclaimed with surprise that it was a very beautiful bird. 

8) Mohan said, “My brother will leave tomorrow.” 

Ans:— Mohan said that his brother would leave the next day.

9) The tired guest said to the host, “Please give me a glass of cold water.” 

Ans:— The tired guest requested the host to give him a glass of cold water.

10) The followers said, “Long live our leader.” 

Ans:— The followers prayed that the leader might live long.

11) He said to me, “Don’t run in the sun.” 

Ans:— He advised me not to run in the sun.

12) The Swallow said, “Oh! How cold the wind is!”

Ans:— The Swallow exclaimed with sorrow that the wind was very cold.

13) The young mother said to her little boy, “Why can’t you be happy?” 

Ans:— The young mother asked her little boy why he could not be happy.

14) The Swallow said, “Tonight I will rest in this unknown town.” 

Ans:— The Swallow said that he would rest in that unknown town that night.

15) The child said, “I am going home.”

Ans:— The child said that he was going home.

16) He said to me, “Yesterday was a holiday.” 

Ans:— He told me that the previous day had been a holiday.

17) The sailor said to us, “There will be a storm.”

Ans:— The sailor told us that there would be a storm.

 18) Rita said, “How happy I am!” 

Ans:— Rita exclaimed with joy that she was very happy.

19) Amal says, “I am happy.”

Ans:— Amal says that he is happy.

20) The foreigner said to me, “Do you know English?”

Ans:— The foreigner asked me if I knew English.

 21) He said to me, “What’s the matter?”

Ans:— He asked me what the matter was.

 22) He said, “Is it the reply I gave?”

Ans:— He asked if it was the reply he had given.

 23) The Swallow said to the Statue, “I am staying with you.” 

Ans:— The Swallow told the Statue that he was staying with him.

24) My mother said to me, “Please wait for me here.”

Ans:— My mother requested me to wait for her there.

25) “It’s not the same thing,” said the little bird.

Ans:— The little bird said that it was not the same thing.

26) Bidipta said to her friends, “Let us have a picnic.” 

Ans:— Bidipta proposed to his friends that they should have a picnic.

27) I said to him, “Did you see him yesterday?” 

Ans:— I asked him if he had seen him (another man) the previous day.

28) “I took the umbrella home with me,” he said.

Ans:— He said that he had taken the umbrella home with him.

 29) “Child, what do you know of sailing?” she would say.

Ans:— She would address me as child and asked what I knew of sailing.

30) “Let me out, let me out”, said the little bird bbu

Ans:— The little bird requested repeatedly to let him out.

31) He said, “What a fool I am!”

Ans:— He exclaimed with repetance that he was very fool.

32) The teacher said to us, “The sun rises in the east.”

Ans:— The teacher told us that the sun rises in the east.

33) Swallow said to the statue, “I see, you have a golden heart.”

Ans:— Swallow told the statue that he noticed that the statue had a golden heart.

34) The girl said, “How beautiful the Tajmahal is!”

Ans:— The girl exclaimed with joy that the Tajmahal is very beautiful.

35) The teacher said, “It is a good proposal.”

Ans:— The teacher said that it was a good proposal.

36) The old man said to the child, “How many will you eat?”

Ans:— The old man asked the child how many he would eat.

37) Mohit said to his friend, “Let us open the box.”

Ans:— Mohit proposed to his friend that they should open the box.

38) She said, “You came here yesterday.”

Ans:— She said that he had gone there the previous day.

39) The King said to the Prince, “You must have the country at once.”

Ans:— The King told the Prince that the Prince must have the country at once.

40) The teacher said to the students, “Don’t be late.”

Ans:— The teacher asked the students not to be late.

41) “How selfish I have been!” said the Giant

Ans:— The Giant exclaimed with regret that he had been very selfish.

42) He said, “Let us go for a long drive.”

Ans:— He proposed that they should go for a long drive.

43) Dr. Sen said to me, “I am your father’s physician.”

Ans:— Dr. Sen told me that he was my father’s physician.

44) The man said, “What a beautiful painting it is!”

Ans:— The man exclaimed with wonder that it was a very beautiful painting.

45) The child said to his mother, “Please give me a glass of cold water.”

Ans:— The child requested his mother to give him a glass of cold water.

46) The teacher said, “Delhi is the capital of India.”

Ans:— The teacher said that Delhi is the capital of India.

47) My friend said to me, “Isn’t it very hot today?”

Ans:— My friend asked me if it was not very hot that day.

48) I said to the servant, “Do it now.”

Ans:— I ordered the servant to do it then.

49) The man said to me, “I want some money.”

Ans:— The man told me that he wanted some money.

50) Jatin said to Rathin, “Do you see the Tajmahal?”

Ans:— Jatin asked Rathin if he (Rathin) saw the Tajmahal.

51) He said to his friend, “Good bye.”

Ans:— He bade goodbye to his friend.

52) The master said to his servant, “Wait here.”

Ans:— The master ordered his servant to wait there.

53) My friend said to me, “Did you go to school yesterday?”

Ans:— My friend asked me if I had gone to school the previous day.

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এই পোস্টে প্রশ্ন উত্তর সহ আলোচনা করা হলো। তোমাদের অসুবিধা হলে তোমরা এই পোস্টের সাহায্য নিতে পারো। উত্তর গুলি খাতায় করার আগে অবশ্যই মন দিয়ে দেখে তারপর খাতায় করবে।

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