Paragraph Writing On My Ideal Person


Points:— Conception of ideal-Indian culture and ideal- someone seen in life fit to be made an ideal- description-reason behind calling him an ideal-his special qualities that attract you-conclusion.

An ideal man is he whom we can follow in life. He can inspire us positively to go forward. In Indian culture sense of morality is of the highest value. I have seen such a man with great moral values in my life. Though he is not a renowned man, he has shown me the path of life. He was my primary school teacher. He was a humble man living in a village. I never saw him beating or rebuking someone. If we committed some mistake he would try to identify our faults with extreme patience and love. He taught us to rectify ourselves. I will never be able to forget his contribution to my life. He is my ideal forever.

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 এই পোস্টে প্রশ্ন উত্তর সহ আলোচনা করা হলো। তোমাদের অসুবিধা হলে তোমরা এই পোস্টের সাহায্য নিতে পারো। উত্তর গুলি খাতায় করার আগে অবশ্যই মন দিয়ে দেখে তারপর খাতায় করবে।

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