Paragraph Writing On The Personality I Like Most

Points:— Name of the personality-his or her character is why you like him or her-conclusion.


Mother India has many great sons and daughters. Of them, I like Swami Vivekananda the most. He was a monk. But he did not say ‘No’ to life. Instead, Swamiji asked to help people and serve the motherland. He was a philanthropist, patriot and spiritual personality. Swami Vivekananda founded the Ramakrishna Mission which has been serving the destitute for the last 120 years. He introduced the traditional Indian values to the West. In a way, Swami Vivekananda changed the contemporary world’s vision about India and her people. He taught us that to serve God, we should serve humanity. I believe, this is the only way to make the world a better place to live in.

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প্রিয় ছাত্র- ছাত্রীরা উপরের এর সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে প্রশ্ন-উত্তর সহ আলোচনা করা হয়েছে। আশা রাখছি তোমাদের বা আপনাদের অনেকখানি সহায়তা করতে পেরেছি। পোস্টটি ভালো লেগে থাকলে অন্যদের শেয়ার করে তাদের সহায়তা করো বা করুন।

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