Phrase And Clause Exercise For Class 8 [Chapter – 3]

Do as directed:—

1) He spoke in a confident manner. [Underline the adjective phrase]

Ans:— in a confident manner

2) Princess September was a princess. She was very unhappy. (Join using an adjective clause]

Ans:— Princess September, who was very unhappy, was a princess.

3) He is rich. He will not help me. [Join using adverb clause] 

Ans:— Though he is rich, he will not help me.

 4) Underline the phrases and state their kinds:

(i) She wore a necklace set with diamonds.

Ans:— set with diamonds – Adjective Phrase

(ii) He dislikes getting up early.

Ans:— getting up early – Adverbial Phrase

5) He stopped in the middle of his speech. [Underline and identify the phrase]

Ans:— in the middle of his speech – Adverb Phrase

6) She felt that his little heart was beating well. [Identify the main clause and the dependent clause]

Ans:— She felt-Main Clause that his little heart was beating well – Dependent Noun Clause

7) In the following sentences underline the group of words that do the work of an Adjective or an Adverb:

 (i) The king is wearing a crown which is made of gold.

Ans:— which is made of gold – Adjective Clause

 (ii) He has a friend who is very friendly. 

Ans:— who is very friendly – Adjective Clause

(iii) He returned home when it was raining.

Ans:— when it was raining – Adverb Clause

(iv) The student could not understand the lesson as he was not present in the class.

Ans:— as he was not present in the class – Adverb Clause

8) He is poor. He is honest. [Join using the adverbial clause] 

Ans:— Though he is poor, he is honest.

9) You are innocent. The teacher knows it. [Join using Noun clause]

Ans:— The teacher knows that you are innocent.

10) This is a table made of wood. [Underline the phrase and classify it] 

Ans:— made of wood – Adjective Phrase

11) He was sad. He took part in merry-making. [Join using Adverbial clause] 

Ans:— Though he was sad, he took part in merry-making.

12) The soldier fought in a manner which was brave. [Replace the underlined words with a phrase and rewrite the sentence]

Ans:— The soldier fought in a brave manner.

13) Turn the underlined phrase into clause and rewrite the sentence. Write the name of the clause. 

(i) The blooming flower of today dies tomorrow. 

Ans:— The flower that blooms today dies tomorrow – Adjective Clause

14) Identify the subordinate clauses and indicate their types:

(i) All that glitters is not gold.

Ans:— that glitters – Adjective Clause

 (ii) Do you know where he lives ?

Ans:— where he lives – Noun Clause

(iii) This is how he did it

Ans:— how he did it – Noun Clause

(iv) This is not the way I follow.

Ans:—  I follow – Adjective Clause

 15) Travelling by bus gives pleasure. great me [Underline the phrase]

Ans:— Travelling by bus

16) Join the sentences:

 (i) He is a good boy. He lives near my house. 

Ans:— He who lives near my house is a good boy.

(ii) Rahul stood first in the class. Everyone knows this. 

Ans:— Everyone knows that Rahul stood first in the class.

(iii) Samir loves mango. Mango is a delicious fruit.

Ans:— Samir loves mango, which is a delicious fruit.

 (iv) The boy lives in a house. I know the house. 

Ans:— I know the house where the boy lives in.

17) I saw a boy. He was running in the field. [Join the sentences by shortening] 

Ans:— I saw a boy running in the field.

18) This is the village. Vidyasagar lived here. [Join using adjective clause] 

Ans:— This is the village where Vidyasagar lived.

19) The people of Britain lived in peace and happiness. [Underline and identify the phrase]

Ans:— in peace and happiness – Adverb Phrase

20) Underline principal and subordinate clauses and state what kind of clauses they are e.g., Noun Clause, Adjective Clause or Adverbial Clause.

 (i) I saw an old man who was carrying a load.

Ans:— I saw an old man – Principal Clause, who was carrying a load – Subordinate Adjective Clause.

(ii) The dog follows his master wherever he goes. 

Ans:— The dog follows his master – principal clause, wherever he goes – Subordinate Adverb Clause.

(iii) We all thought that it would not rain.

Ans:— We all thought – Principal Clause, that it would not rain – Subordinate Noun Clause.

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আশা করছি উপরের পোস্টটি তোমার বা আপনার প্রশ্নের উত্তর খোঁজার কাজে অনেকখানি সাহায্য করেছে। যদি এই পোস্টটি তোমার জন্য বা আপনার জন্য সহায়তা করে থাকে তাহলে এই পোস্টটি অবশ্যই বন্ধুদের, আর অন্যদের সাথে শেয়ার করতে ভুলবেন না।

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