Suppose you have come across an interesting Incident when you were going to school. Write in about 80 words a page in your diary about what you have experienced. [Dairy Writing]


Today I came across a ghastly accident scene. While going to school I saw a young man crossing the road. He glued his ear to a mobile phone. He did not notice that the signal was red for the pedestrians and green for the usual traffic. Suddenly a speeding mini bus ran over him. Then the man was found in a pool of blood. The police came. They arrested the driver and the conductor of the mini bus. The bloody scene still haunts me. Using a mobile phone while crossing the road or a railway crossing is always dangerous. Today I myself have seen how fatal it is!

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 এই পোস্টে প্রশ্ন উত্তর সহ আলোচনা করা হলো। তোমাদের অসুবিধা হলে তোমরা এই পোস্টের সাহায্য নিতে পারো। উত্তর গুলি খাতায় করার আগে অবশ্যই মন দিয়ে দেখে তারপর খাতায় করবে।

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