Transformation Of Sentences For Class 9 [Chapter -8]

41. He investigated his body with the hope of finding some ailment. (Use ‘to find’ in place of finding’)

Ans:— He investigated his body with the hope to find some ailment.

42. He had found symptoms of stomach trouble. (Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— He had found symptoms which were of stomach trouble.

43. However, the symptoms soon grew feeble and wholly went away. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— However, the symptoms soon growing feeble, wholly went away.

44. Tom thought he would hold the tooth in reserve for the present. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— Tom thought to hold the tooth in reserve for the present.

45. He did not know the necessary symptoms. (Make it an Affirmative Sentence)

Ans:— He was ignorant of the necessary symptoms.

46. No response came from Sid. (Make it an Interrogative Sentence)

Ans:— Did any response come from Sid?

47. Tom became excited. (Use the Noun form of ‘excited’)

Ans:— Tom was filled with excitement.

48. Don’t call anybody. (Make it Interrogative)

Ans:— Do I call somebody?

49. Don’t wait, come quick. (Make it Affirmative/Simple Sentence)

Ans:— Come quick, without waiting.

50. She flew upstairs with Sid and Mary, Tom’s cousin. (Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— She flew upstairs with Sid and Mary, who was Tom’s cousin.

51. He felt certain that his wings would never support him. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— He was certain of his wings never supporting him.

52. So he bent his head and ran away back to the little hole where he slept at night. (Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— So bending his head, he ran away back to the little hole where he slept at night.

53. His father and mother had come around calling to him shrilly. (Use the Adjective form of ‘shrilly’)

Ans:— His father and mother had come around with shrill calls for him.

54. Now there was not a single scrap of food left in the nest. (Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— There was the nest where not a single scrap of food was left now.

55. He was trying to find some means of reaching his parents without having to fly. too (Make it a Negative Sentence)

Ans:— He did not want to fly but was trying to find some means of reaching his parents.

56. Still his parents took no notice of him. (Make it an Affirmative Sentence)

Ans:— Still his parents ignored him.

57. Still his parents took no notice of him. (Use ‘notice’ as Verb)

Ans:— Still his parents did not notice him.

58. Only his mother was looking at him. (Make it a Negative Sentence)

Ans:— None but his mother was looking at him.

59. After a minute or so, he uttered a joyful scream. (Use the Adverb form of ‘joyful”)

Ans:— After a minute or so, he screamed joyfully.

60. He waited a moment in surprise, wondering why she did not come nearer.(Use the Noun form of ‘waited’)

Ans:— He had a moment’s wait in surprise, wondering why she did not come nearer.

61. I had arrived at the station half an hour in advance of the time for the train’s departure. (Use the Noun form of ‘arrived’)

Ans:— My arrival at the station had been half an hour in advance of the time for the train’s departure.

62. I sat on a bench watching the monkeys frolicking on the trees and on the open platform. (Use the Noun form of ‘watching’)

Ans:— Sitting on a bench I kept a watch on those which frolicking on the trees and the open platform.

63. The younger monkeys sat on the boughs of neem and tamarind trees. (Use the Positive Degree of ‘younger’)

Ans:— No other monkeys were as young as those which sat on the boughs of neem and tamarind trees.

64. I concentrated on securing a seat for myself in the train. (Use the Noun form of ‘concentrated’)

Ans:— My concentration was on securing a seat for myself in the train.

65. We were all sweating from the rising heat of the summer. (Use the Verb form of ‘rising’)

Ans:— As the heat of the summer was rising, we were all sweating.

67. A great deal of general amusement was caused by this incident. (Change the Voice)

Ans:— This incident caused a great deal of general amusement.

68. The businessman shouted, in utter confusion. (Use the Adverb form of ‘confusion’)

Ans:— The businessman shouted confusedly.

69. Everyone laughed. (Make it a Negative Sentence)

Ans:— Everyone could not but laugh.

70. He was dressed in a white muslin dhoti, a delicate tunic and an embroidered cap on his head. (Use the Noun form of ‘dressed’)

Ans:— His dress was a white muslin dhoti, a delicate tunic and an embroidered cap on his head.

71. During a violent storm, I came on shore on this dismal island. (Use the Adverb form of ‘violent’)

Ans:— I came on shore of this dismal island when a storm occurred violently.

72. I had neither food, house nor clothes. (Make it an Affirmative Sentence)

Ans:— I was without food, house and clothes.

73. I slept in a tree for fear of wild creatures. (Use the Noun form of ‘slept’)

Ans:— I had my sleep in a tree for fear of wild creatures.

74. I cut the wood I collected, into stakes. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— I cut the collected wood into stakes.

75. I saw nothing but husks and dusts in the bag. (Make it an Affirmative Sentence)

Ans:— I saw only husks and dusts in the bag.

76. I began to keep a journal of every day’s employment. (Make it a Complex Sentence)

Ans:— I began to keep a journal which was of every day’s employment.

77. I collected a little tallow and a small clay dish. (Use the Noun form of ‘collected’)

Ans:— I had a collection of a little tallow and a small clay dish.

78. I did not, because I still hoped to be rescued by some passing ship on the sea. (Make it a Simple Sentence)

Ans:— Still hoping to be rescued by some passing ship on the sea, I did not.

79. I did not want to enclose myself in hill and woods. (Make it an Affirmative Sentence)

Ans:— I wanted to keep myself free of the enclosure of hill and woods.

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