Transformation Of Sentences For Class 9 [Chapter -8]

41. I know her name. (Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans:— I know what her name is.

42. The damp stands in the long, green grass as thick as morning’s tears. (Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans:— Isn’t it true that the damp stands in the long, green grass as thick as morning’s tears?/ Isn’t the damp standing in the long, green grass thick as morning’s tears?

43. The children were eager to see the sun. (Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans:— Those who were eager to see the sun were children.

44. Raising himself on his elbow Sid stared at Tom. (Turn into a compound sentence) 

Ans:— Sid raised on his elbow and then stared at Tom.

45. A cool wind blew around them. (Turn into a complex sentence) 

Ans:— A wind that blew aground him was cold.

46. Tom tried all his plans. (Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans:— Tom left no plan untried./ Tom did not leave any of his plans untried.

47. I think the sun is a flower that blooms for just one hour. (Turn into a simple sentence) 

Ans:— In my opinion, the flower called the sun blooms for just one hour.

48. He did not know the necessary symptoms. (Turn into an affirmative sentence) 

Ans:— The necessary symptoms were unknown to him.

49. Everybody knows the name of Netaji. (Turn into an interrogative sentence)

Ans:— Who doesn’t know the name of Netaji?

50. He said that he was so disappointed that he would not try again.(Turn into a simple sentence)

Ans:— He expressed his disappointment by not trying again./ In his opinion, he was too disappointed to try again.

51. If I do not get this job, I will start a business. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)

Ans:— In case, I fail to get this job, I will start a business.

52. I know the boy to be honest.(Turn into a compound sentence)

Ans:— The boy is honest and I know this.

53. I was not sure if he would come. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)

Ans:— I was unsure of his coming.

54. He leads a most unhappy life. (Turn into an exclamatory sentence)

Ans:— What an unhappy life he leads!

55. The question was so easy that everyone could answer it. (Turn into a simple sentence)

Ans:— The question was too easy not to answer.

56. The knife is blunt. (Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans:— The knife is not sharp.

57. I do not know his name.(Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans:— I do not know what his name is.

58. Man is mortal.(Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans:— Man is not immortal.

59. He could not suppress the desire of his heart. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)

Ans:— He expressed the desire of his heart.

60. The headmistress arrived and the meeting began. (Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans:— As the headmistress arrived, the meeting began.

61. It was obvious that he was crying. (Turn into a simple sentence)

Ans:— He was obviously crying.

62. Waste not, want not.(Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans:— If you do not waste, you will not want.

63. If only I were young again. (Turn into an assertive sentence)

Ans:— I wish to be young again.

64. I shall never forget those days. (Turn into an interrogative sentence)

Ans:— Shall I ever forget those days?

65. They started late. (Turn into an interrogative sentence)

Ans:— Didn’t they start late?

66. Why cry over spilt milk? (Turn into an assertive sentence)

Ans:— It is useless to cry over spilt milk.

67. Blood is thicker than water. (Turn into an interrogative sentence)

Ans:— Isn’t blood thicker than water?

68. Run fast or you will be late. (Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans:— If you do not run fast, you will be late.

69. Speak what is true.(Turn into a simple sentence)

Ans:— Speak the truth.

70. I am feeling uneasy. (Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans:— I am not feeling cool.

71. It is very charming. (Turn into an exclamatory sentence)

Ans:— How charming it is!

72. He liked my suggestion. (Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans:— He liked the suggestion that I had given.

73. None of them started early. (Turn into an affirmative sentence)

Ans:— All of them started late.

74. He kept his promise. (Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans:— It was not that he did not keep his promise.

75. They peered out of the window to look at the hidden sun. (Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans:— They peered out of the window so that they could look at the hidden sun.

76. Only the brave deserve the fair. (Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans:— None but the brave deserve the fair.

77. Siraj always rises early. (Turn into an interrogative sentence)

Ans:— Doesn’t Siraj rise always early?

78. Cross the line and you will be punished. (Turn into a complex sentence)

Ans:— If you cross the line, you will be punished.

79. Only the graduates are eligible for the post. (Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans:— None but the graduates are eligible for the post.

80. The time when he will arrive is uncertain. (Turn into a simple sentence)

Ans:— Time of his arrival is uncertain.

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