Transformation Of Sentences For Class 9 [Chapter -8]

81. The news is too good to be true. (Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans:— The news is so good that it cannot be true.

82. He was confused and stopped working. (Turn into a simple sentence)

Ans:— Being confused he stopped working.

83. The children were eager to see the sun. (Rewrite using the noun form of ‘eager’)

Ans:— The children showed eagerness to see the sun.

84. Mohar is the best student in the class. (Change into positive degree)

Ans:— No other student in the class is so good as Mohar.

85. He told a lie intentionally. (Use noun form of ‘intentionally’)

Ans:— He told a lie with an intention.

86. He is an honest man.(Use ‘honesty’)

Ans:— He is a man with honesty.

87. He fought with bravery.(Use ‘bravely’)

Ans:— He fought bravely.

88. She gave a joyful cry.(Use ‘joyfully’)

Ans:— She cried joyfully.

89. We are proud of our culture.(Use ‘pride’)

Ans:— We pride ourselves on our culture./ We take pride in our culture.

90. You must work with sincerity.(Use ‘sincere’)

Ans:— You must be sincere to your work.

91. The sword is not so mighty as the pen. (Change into comparative degree)

Ans:— The pen is mightier than sword.

92. He pretended to be falling asleep. (Rewrite using noun form of ‘pretended’)

Ans:— He showed the pretension that he had fallen asleep.

93. He is one of the cleverest boys in the class. (Rewrite using the positive degree)

Ans:— Very few boys in the class are so clever as he.

94. She is apparently very gentle. (Replace by verb)

Ans:— She appears to be very gentle.

95. Rabindranath Tagore is one of the greatest poets of the world. (Use positive degree)

Ans:— Very few poets of the world are as great as Rabindranath Tagore.

96. He rejected all that we proposed. (Use the noun form of ‘proposed’)

Ans:— He rejected all our proposals.

97. Just when the destruction was completed; Newton opened the chamber door. (Begin with ‘No sooner’)

Ans:— No sooner had the destruction been completed than Newton opened the chamber door.

98. He is better than me. (Change into positive degree)

Ans:— i am not as good as he.

99. Sudip is as intelligent as Ranjit. (Use comparative degree)

Ans:— Ranjit is not more intelligent than Sudip.

100. He is too smart to understand the logic. (Remove ‘too’)

Ans:— He is so smart that he cannot understand the logic.

101. As soon as I entered the class, everybody started to laugh.(Turn into a negative sentence)

Ans:— No sooner had I entered the class than everybody started to laugh.

102. He is a close-observer of nature. (Use ‘close’ as adverb)

Ans:— He closely observes nature.

103. Sheetal is the fastest runner in the school. (Rewrite using ‘fast’)

Ans:— No other runner in the school runs as fast as Sheetal.

104. He received an international prize. (Use the noun form of ‘receive’)

Ans:— He is the receiver of an international prize.

105. Delhi is one of the biggest towns in India. (Turn into a positive degree)

Ans:— Very few towns in India are as big as Delhi.

106. The man was so weak that he could not walk. (Rewrite using ‘too’)

Ans:— The man was too weak to walk.

107. Titir is one of the most intellegent girls in the class. (Use positive degree)

Ans:— Very few girls in the class are as intelligent as Titir.

108. The reporter made the news public. (Rewrite using the verb form of ‘public’)

Ans:— The reporter publicized the news.

109. We are proud of our heritage. (Use noun form of ‘proud’)

Ans:— We take pride in our heritage.

110. His success was due to his labour. (Use the verb form of labour’)

Ans:- He laboured to succeed.

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যদি সমস্যাটি এখনও বিদ্যমান থাকে তবে নির্দ্বিধায় আমাকে জানান। আমি আরো গবেষণা সঙ্গে আপনার সমস্যা সমাধান করার জন্য আমরা আরো সহজভাবে যথাসাধ্য তোমাদের বা আপনাদের সামনে তুলে ধরার চেষ্টা করবো ।

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