Voice Change Exercise For Class 8 [Chapter – 5]

A. Change the voice of the following sentences—

1) She sold the big house.

Ans:— The big house was sold by her.

2) She knows my brother.

Ans:— My brother is known to her.

3) It was called the Elmtree House.

Ans:— People called it the Elmtree House.

4) My friend gives me a book.

Ans:— I am given a book by my friend.

5) Why did he not suspect anything.

Ans:— Why was not anything suspected by him.

6) I wrote a letter.

Ans:— A letter was written by me.

7) Rahul is driving a car.

Ans:— A car is being driven by Rahul.

8) The girl is watching a film.

Ans:— A film is being watched by the girl.

9) Riya sings a song.

Ans:— A song is sung by Riya.

10) The author was writing a novel.

Ans:— A novel was being written by the author.

11) The man was buying vegetables.

Ans:— Vegetables were being bought by the man.

12) Sheela is singing a song.

Ans:— A song is being sung by Sheela.

13) Rumita made a paper boat.

Ans:— A paper boat was made by Rumita.

14) We watched a cricket match.

Ans:— A cricket match was watched by us.

15) He drew the picture.

Ans:— The picture was drawn by him.

16) I am writing a letter.

Ans:— A letter is being written by me

17) They laughed at us.

Ans:— We were laughed at by them

18) He gives me lessons every day.

Ans:— I am given lessons by him every day.

19) I saw you in the fair.

Ans:— You were seen by me in the fair.

20) The book is printing.

Ans:— The book is being printed.

21) Chirpings filled the air.

Ans:— The air was filled with chirpings.

22) Prepare for the worst.

Ans:— You are requested to prepare for the worst.

23) Apu can do the job.

Ans:— The job can be done by Apu.

24) The artist is painting a beautiful picture.

Ans:— A beautiful picture is being painted by the artist.

25) Let him buy a bicycle.

Ans:— You are requested to let him buy a bicycle.

26) I had used the last of my water the day before.

Ans:— The last of my water had been used by me the day before.

27) He has seen me.

Ans:— I have been seen by him.

28) Merlin took King Arthur to the gilded pavilion.

Ans:— King Arthur was taken by Merlin to the gilded pavilion.

29) The soldiers had brought the arms.

Ans:— The arms had been brought by the soldiers.

30) I know the fact.

Ans:— The fact is known to me.

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অনলাইন প্লাটফর্ম ব্যাবহার করা একজন নবীন ছাত্র-ছাত্রি বা তাদের পিতা-মাতার কাছে কিছুটা কঠিন মনে হতে পারে। যাইহোক, এটি মোটেই নয় কারণ আপনি উপরে উল্লিখিত ধাপে ধাপে লেখা উত্তরগুলি অনুসরণ করে এটি সমাধান করতে পারেন।যদি আপনি আপনার সমস্যা থেকে সমাধান না পেয়ে থাকেন তাহলে আমাদের অবশ্যই জানাবেন।

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