Voice Change For Class 9 [Chapter – 3]

Voice Change of Assertive Sentences—

1. Soma sees a tiger in the cage.

Ans:- A tiger is seen in the cage by Soma.

2. They help us to do the work.

Ans:- We are helped by them to do the work.

3. We respect our teachers.

Ans:- Our teachers are respected by us.

4. She carries water in a bucket.

Ans:- Water is carried in a bucket by her .

5. Swapan opened the wooden box.

Ans:- The wooden box was opened by Swapan.

6. Rana never learnt the art of copying.

Ans:- The art of copying was never learnt by Rana.

7. Joydeep dropped an easy catch.

Ans:- An easy catch was dropped by Joydeep.

8. Sonali asked her friends to join her .

Ans:- Her friends were asked by Sonali to join her.

9. Ambar completed the task in time .

Ans:- The task was completed by Ambar in time.

10. Avik will do the sum.

Ans:- The sum will be done by Avik.

11. Moumita will never copy answers from others.

Ans:- Answers will never be copied from others by Moumita.

12. Shyamal will catch fish from the pond.

Ans:- Fish will be caught from the pond by Shyamal.

13. I will meet the doctor soon.

Ans:- The doctor will be met by me soon.

14. Debashis will give tasks to his subordinates.

Ans:- Tasks will be given to his subordinates by Debashis.

15. Debabrata is asking for drinking water.

Ans:- Drinking water is being asked for by Debabrata.

16. Mamata is helping the poor .

Ans:- The poor are being helped by mamata .

17. Tapan is crossing the road carefully.

Ans:- The road is being crossed carefully by Tapan..

18. Nandini is talking to her friends. 

Ans:- Her friends are being talked to by Nandini.

19. Manoj is not reaching office on time.

Ans:- Office is not being reached by Manoj on time.

20. Mother Teresa had served the suffering humanity.

Ans:- The suffering humanity had been served by Mother Teresa.

21. Gandhiji had followed the principle of truthfulness.

Ans:- The principle of truthfulness had been followed by Gandhiji.

22. Suvendu had forbidden Prakash to open the box.

Ans:- Prakash had been forbidden by Suvendu to open the box.

23. Sudarshan had asked me for the blood group report.

Ans:- I had been asked for the blood group report by Sudarshan.

24. Shrabanti had followed the instruction carefully.

Ans:- The instruction had been followed carefully by Shrabanti.

25. We had used teak wood in these furniture.

Ans:- Teak wood had been used in these furniture.

26. I was flying kites in the sky.

Ans:- Kites were being flown by me in the sky.

27. Dilip was polishing the chair.

Ans:- The chair was being polished by Dilip.

28. We were watching a movie then .

Ans:- A movie was being watched by us then.

29. Soma was singing songs.

Ans:- Songs were being sung by soma .

30. Pradeep was preparing tea.

Ans:- Tea was being prepared by pradeep.

31. I shall have worked out the sum.

Ans:- The sum will have been worked out by me.

32. Priyanka will have done her job.

Ans:- Her job will have been done by Priyanka.

33. Debadrita will have met the auther .

Ans:- The author will have been met by Debadrita.

34. Manisha will have consulted the doctor.

Ans:- The doctor will have been consulted by Manisha.

35. We shall have published the book. 

Ans:- The book will have been published by us.

36. Tarapada has done the work in time.

Ans:- The work has been done in time by Tarapada.

37. Suvendu has told Prakash not to open the box.

Ans:- Prakash has been told by Suvendu not to open the box.

38. Goutam has checked the accounts.

Ans:- The accounts have been checked by Goutam.

39. Do you eat rice regularly ?

Ans:- Is rice eaten by you regularly?

40. Has he taken his breakfast?

Ans:- Has his breakfast been taken by him?”

41. Who is doing the job properly ?

Ans:- By whom is the job being done properly?

42. Has Shila broken the glass?

Ans:- Has the glass been broken by Shila ?

43. Are you watching the movie ?

Ans:- Is the movie being watched by you?

44. Were the boys playing cricket ?

Ans:- Was cricket being played by the boys ?

45. Had they constructed this building ?

Ans:- Had this building been constructed by them ?

46. Didn’t your team-leader teach you how to edit a manuscript ?

Ans:- Weren’t you taught by your team-leader how to edit a manuscript ?

47. How did you teach her grammar ?

Ans:- How was she taught grammar by you ?

48. Where did he lose his mobile phone ?

Ans:- Where was his mobile phone lost by him ?

49. Which mobile phone has she lost ?

Ans:- Which mobile phone has been lost by her ?

50. Why did you scold her ?

Ans:- Why was she scolded by you ?

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অনলাইন প্লাটফর্ম ব্যাবহার করা একজন নবীন ছাত্র-ছাত্রি বা তাদের পিতা-মাতার কাছে চ্যালেঞ্জের মতো মনে হতে পারে, তাই আমরা এর পুরোটাই অতি সহজে এবং সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে প্রশ্ন উত্তর সহ আলোচনা করা হয়েছে। আমরা কি আপনার পরিস্থিতির সমাধান করেছি – নাকি আপনি অন্য কিছু ব্যবস্থা অনুসরণ করছেন? আমাদের অবশ্যই জানাবেন।

51. When do you write stories ?

Ans:- When are stories written by you ?

52. How did Rekha get the job ?

Ans:- How was the job gotten/got by Rekha ?

53. Whom did you see at the bus stop ?

Ans:- Who was seen by you at the bus stop?

54. Who told the truth ?

Ans:- By whom was the truth told?

55. What does the writer want to tell in this story ?

Ans:- What is wanted to tell in this story by the writer ?

56. Everyone in our party was surprised. 

Ans:- It surprised everyone in our party.

57. Bhola Grandpa had taken his grandson to the festival.

Ans:- His grandson had been taken to the festival by Bhola grandpa.

58. They were burying a large box.

Ans:- A large box was being buried by them.

59. Bhola Grandpa confessed that there was no real treasure.

Ans:- That there was no real treasure was confessed by Bhola Grandpa.

60. Bhola Grandpa almost lost his senses in fear.

Ans:- His senses were almost lost in fear by Bhola Grandpa.

61. He had taken a cosy shelter under a cow’s belly.

Ans:- A cosy shelter under a cow’s belly had been taken by him.

62. The younger woman carried a little Pekinese dog.

Ans:- A little Pekinese dog was carried by the younger woman.

63. You must take the dog out.

Ans:- The dog must be taken out by you.

64. It would kill me.

Ans:- I would be killed by it.

65. The conductor pulled the bell.

Ans:- The bell was pulled by the conductor.

66. He took it very well.

Ans:- It was taken very well by him.

67. You can use your commonsense here.

Ans:- Your commonsense can be used here.

68. We have found visitors trying to give the chimpanzees lighted cigarettes.

Ans:- Visitors trying to give the chimpanzees ligthed cigarettes have been found by us.

69. You can hear a robin’s song.

Ans:- A robin’s song can be heard by you.

70. The days were filled with the gush of water and endless shower.

Ans:- The gush of water and endless shower filled the days.

71. They set up a civilization in this raining world.

Ans:- A civilization was set up in this raining world by them.

72. The children put their hands to their ears.

Ans:- Their hands were put to their ears by the children.

73. They took off their jackets.

Ans:- Their jackets were taken off by them.

74. They pushed each other. 

Ans:- Each of them was pushed by the other.

75. I watch this cloudy evening fall. 

Ans:- This cloudy evening fall is watched by me.

76. He investigated his body with the hope of finding some ailment.

Ans:- His body was investigated with the hope of finding some ailment by him. .

77. Suddenly he discovered something.

Ans:- Suddenly something was discoverd by him.

78. He did not know the necessary symptoms.

Ans:- The necessary symptoms were not known to him.

79. Sid shook him and looked in his face anxiously.

Ans:- He was shaken and looked in his face anxiously by Sid.

80. You’ll kill me.

Ans:- I’ll be killed by you.

81. I forgive everybody.

Ans:- Everybody is forgiven by me.

82. I don’t believe it.

Ans:- It is not believed by me.

83. Tom, I love you so much.

Ans:- Tom, you are loved so much by me.

84. By this time the dental instrument was ready. 

Ans:- By this time someone made the dental instrument ready.

85. They were teaching them the art of flight.

Ans:- The art of flight was being taught to them by them.

86. He had seen his older brother catch his first herring.

Ans:- His older brother had been seen to catch his first herring by him.

87. He saw his two brothers and his sister lying on the plateau.

Ans:- His two brothers and his sister were seen lying on the plateau by him.

88. The sight of the food maddened him.

Ans:- He was maddened by the sight of the food.

89. His mother had picked up a piece of fish.

Ans:- A piece of fish had been picked up by his mother.

90. Then he saw his two brothers and his sister flying around him.

Ans:- Then his two brothers and his sister were seen by him flying around him.

91. He dropped his legs to stand on the green sea. 

Ans:- His legs were dropped by him to stand on the green sea .

92. He had made his first flight.

Ans:- His first flight had been made.

93. A great deal of general amusement was caused by this incident.

Ans:- This incident caused. a great deal of general amusement.

94. The bather then requested the monkey to return his loin cloth.

Ans:- The monkey was then requested to return his loin cloth by the bather.

95. A porter was carrying his luggage.

Ans:- His luggage was being carried by a porter.

96. He stretched out his left hand for the cap.

Ans:- His left hand was stretched out for the cap.

97. Just then the train was announced by the ringing of the station bell.

Ans:- Just then the ringing of the station bell announced the train.

98. I got a window seat overlooking the platform.

Ans:- A window seat overlooking the platform was got by me.

99. Some other passengers joined me in the compartment.

Ans:- I was joined in the compartment by some other passengers.

100. I was struck by the genius of a monkey. 

Ans:- The genius of a monkey struck me.

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যদি সমস্যাটি এখনও বিদ্যমান থাকে তবে নির্দ্বিধায় আমাকে জানান। আমি আরো গবেষণা সঙ্গে আপনার সমস্যা সমাধান করার জন্য আমরা আরো সহজভাবে যথাসাধ্য তোমাদের বা আপনাদের সামনে তুলে ধরার চেষ্টা করবো ।

101. I found a little plain on the side of a rising hill.

Ans:- A little plain on the side of a rising hill was found by me.

102. I saw some fair weather around 7th November.

Ans:- Some fair weather around 7th November was seen by me .

103. I had spent three hundred and sixty five days on this island.

Ans:- Three hundred and sixty five days were spent on this island by me.

104. How can I listen to your heart when you are talking ?

Ans:- How can your heart be listened to by me when you are talking?

105. She was reading a book. 

Ans:- A book was being read by her.

106. My brother plays the guitar. 

Ans:- The guitar is played by my brother.

107. He has written the poem. 

Ans:- The poem has been written by him.

108. My mother looks after the garden.

Ans:- The garden is looked after by my mother.

109. My father teaches English.

Ans:- English is taught by my father.

110. They gave each of the participants a handsome prize. 

Ans:- Each of the participants was given a handsome prize.

111. They will have to make it. 

Ans:- It will have to be made by them.

112. How is the work done by them ? 

Ans:- How do they do the work ?

113. I cannot understand what you are saying. 

Ans:- What is being said by you cannot be understood by me.

114. The conductor pulled the bell. 

Ans:- The bell was pulled by the conductor.

115. Many buildings have been damaged by flood. 

Ans:- Flood has damaged many buildings.

116. The vendor would rescue the cap.

Ans:- The cap would be rescued by the vendor.

117. It is known to all. 

Ans:- Everybody knows it.

118. He will not have received a written order.

Ans:- A written order will not have been received by him.

119. We were being told a story.

Ans:- Someone was telling us a story.

120. A small hut was seen at a distance.

Ans:- They saw a small hut at a distance.

121. Keep your word. 

Ans:- Let your word be kept.

122. The sight of food maddened him. way. 

Ans:- He was maddened by the sight of food.

123. This enabled him to smile in a new and admirable. 

Ans:- He was enabled to smile in a new and admirable way by this.

124. The children put their hands to their ears. 

Ans:- Hands were put to the ears by the children.

125. The school was set up in 1949. 

Ans:- The founder set up the school in 1949.

126. The cobbler is mending his shoes.

Ans:- His shoes are being mended by the cobbler.

127. Raise your voice. 

Ans:- Let your voice be raised.

128. A lecture was delivered to a group of students. 

Ans:- An instructor delivered a lecture to a group of students.

129. You should cut your hair properly.

Ans:- Your hair should be cut properly.

130. I know the man.

Ans:- The man is known to me.

131. The bank has been robbed.

Ans:- Someone has robbed the bank.

132. You should not have done it. 

Ans:- It should not have been done by you.

133. We can gain nothing without labour. 

Ans:- Nothing can be gained without labour.

134. We ought to help the poor. 

Ans:- The poor ought to be helped by us.

135. Reba was spreading the news. 

Ans:- The news was being spread by Reba.

136. They have done away with the custom. 

Ans:- The custom has been done away by them.

137. Put up a tent. 

Ans:- Let a tent be put up./You are requested to put up a tent.

138. We celebrate Durga Puja in Autumn.

Ans:- Durga Puja is celebrated in Autumn.

139. I was offered a chair. 

Ans:- A chair was offered to me.

140. We shall have bought a cricket bat by tomorrow. 

Ans:- A cricket bat will have to be bought by us by tomorrow.

141. Timir was not looking for his books.

Ans:- Timir’s books were not being looked for by him.

142. They agreed to my plan. 

Ans:- My plan was agreed to by them.

143. My brother lost my favourite pen.

Ans:- My favourite pen was lost by my brother.

144. The man is writing a letter. 

Ans:- A letter is being written by the man.

145. Titli is looking for her watch. 

Ans:- Titli’s watch is being looked for by her.

146. I have killed a snake. 

Ans:- A snake has been killed by me.

147. Switch off the light.

Ans:- Let the light be switched off.

148. Sir, do you need any assistance ? 

Ans:- Sir, is any assistance needed ?

149. He has worked out the answers careful. 

Ans:- The answers have been worked out carefully by him.

150. Do the work properly. 

Ans:- Let the work be done properly.

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যদি সমস্যাটি এখনও বিদ্যমান থাকে তবে নির্দ্বিধায় আমাকে জানান। আমি আরো গবেষণা সঙ্গে আপনার সমস্যা সমাধান করার জন্য আমরা আরো সহজভাবে যথাসাধ্য তোমাদের বা আপনাদের সামনে তুলে ধরার চেষ্টা করবো ।

151. He was made the president of the club. 

Ans:- They made him the president of the club.

152. Who teaches you English ? 

Ans:- By whom are you taught English ?

153. He was congratulated on his success. 

Ans:- People congratulated him on his success.

154. They sweep up the mess on the floor. 

Ans:- The mess on the floor is swept up.

155. The nurse will attend to the patients.

Ans:- The patients will be attended to by the nurse.

156. What did he see ? 

Ans:- What was seen by him ?

157. The passengers criticized his conduct in his face.

Ans:- His conduct was criticized on his face by the passengers.

158. The young woman carried a little Pekinese dog. 

Ans:- A little Pekinese dog was carried by the young woman.

159. A table cloth covers a table. 

Ans:- A table is covered with a table cloth.

160. He is inviting each of his friends. 

Ans:- Each of his friend is being invited by him.

161. I am taking tea.

Ans:- Tea is being taken by me.

161. Open the door.

Ans:- Let the door be opened.

161. My watch has been stolen.

Ans:- Someone has stolen my watch.

161. We organized an excursion to delhi.

Ans:- An excursion to Delhi was organized by us.

161. They laughed at us.

Ans:- We were laughed at by them.

161. Do it.

Ans:- Let it be done.

161. Rama has bought a book.

Ans:- A book has been bought by Rama.

161. I am writing a letter. 

Ans:- A letter is being written by me.

161. They were burying a large box.

Ans:- A large box was being buried by them.

170. The man is known to me. 

Ans:- I know the man.

171. Bhola has seen a tiger.

Ans:- A tiger has been seen by Bhola.

172. Do the sum. 

Ans:- Let the sum be done.

173. You have kept the rule.

Ans:- The rule has been kept by you.

174. Can you solve the problem ? 

Ans:- Can the problem be solved by you ?

175. My brother sang a song. 

Ans:- A song was sung by my brother.

176. We shall decorate the room.

Ans:- The room will be decorated by us.

177. They have lost the thing.

Ans:- The thing has been lost by them.

178. He was punished for misconduct. 

Ans:- The authority punished him for misconduct.

179. Why did the teacher scold you ?

Ans:- Why were you scolded by the teacher?

180. Have you not solved this sum ?

Ans:- Has this sum not solved by you?

181. The peon will have locked the gate by 10 p.m. 

Ans:- The gate will have to be locked by the peon by 10 p.m.

182. Whom did they rebuke ? 

Ans:- Who was rebuked by them ?

183. I was impressed by her confidence.

Ans:- Her confidence impressed me.

184. We do not know what he will do.

Ans:- What will be done by him is not known to us.

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অনলাইন প্লাটফর্ম ব্যাবহার করা একজন নবীন ছাত্র-ছাত্রি বা তাদের পিতা-মাতার কাছে কিছুটা কঠিন মনে হতে পারে। যাইহোক, এটি মোটেই নয় কারণ আপনি উপরে উল্লিখিত ধাপে ধাপে লেখা উত্তরগুলি অনুসরণ করে এটি সমাধান করতে পারেন। যদি আপনি আপনার সমস্যা থেকে সমাধান না পেয়ে থাকেন তাহলে আমাদের অবশ্যই জানাবেন।

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