Write a letter to your friend describing him/her about your visit to a zoo.

2 Bosepara Lane
25 December, 20….

My dear Srijan,

       Today I went to Kolkata Zoo with my parents. We purchased tickets for entering the zoo. There we saw many birds, animals and reptiles. A tiger was walking in its enclosure. A lion was walking up and down in its cage. Monkeys were jumping and chirping in their cages. Snakes were sleeping in their glass cases. An elephant saluted us. Besides, we saw a zebra and a giraffe. Many migratory birds were swimming in a pond. It took almost two and a half hours to see this world of birds and animals.

           Have you ever visited a zoo? If not, then visit it as soon as possible.

with love.

Yours ever,

 ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍ 🌸 ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍

আমি আশা করি এই পোস্টটি পড়ার পরে, আপনি কোনও সমস্যা ছাড়াই সমস্যাটি সমাধান করতে সক্ষম হবেন। যাইহোক, যদি কোনও সুযোগে ত্রুটিটি এখনও থেকে যায় তবে মন্তব্যে আমাকে জানাতে দ্বিধা করবেন না।

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