Write a Story Writing on A Girl And A Dog

Outline:- A girl finds a wounded dog-takes it home- nurses its wounds-the dog recovers-becomes fond of the girl


There lived a girl in a village. She was very beautiful in both body and mind. Everybody loved her for her kindness to every animal. Once, while going to school, she came across a stray dog. She saw the dog limping. She compassionately took the dog in her arms. She brought it to her home. There she found wounds in the dog’s hind legs. She nursed the wounds carefully. She gave the dog food and medicine. After a few days the dog came round. It did not, however, leave the girl. It became fond of the kind girl. So, it started living in her house and guarding the place at night.

Moral:—Kindness is always beneficial.

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প্রিয় ছাত্র- ছাত্রীরা উপরের এর সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে প্রশ্ন-উত্তর সহ আলোচনা করা হয়েছে। আশা রাখছি তোমাদের বা আপনাদের অনেকখানি সহায়তা করতে পেরেছি। পোস্টটি ভালো লেগে থাকলে অন্যদের শেয়ার করে তাদের সহায়তা করো বা করুন।

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