Write a Story Writing on A man and his son

Outline:— The man and his son-son in bad company- the man’s effort not to let him accompany them-his plan-a rotten mango in a bag of mangoes-all mangoes rotten-the son’s true realisation.


Once a boy lived with his father. The boy fell into a bad company. He developed many bad habits. His worried father told him several times to shun the evil company. But the boy did not pay heed to his father’s advice. One day the boy’s father brought home some fresh mangoes and a rotten one. He asked his son to put all the mangoes in a bag along with the rotten one. After a few days, the son discovered that all the mangoes in the bag had become rotten. Then his father taught him that in the same way one bad companion could spoil the others. The boy gave up bad company.

Moral:- Better alone than in bad company.

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আপনি যদি এই পোস্টটি পড়তে পছন্দ করেন এবং এটি সহায়ক মনে করেন দয়া করে এটি আপনার বন্ধুদের এবং পরিবারের সাথে ভাগ করুন। এই পোস্টটি ভাগ করে নেওয়ার জন্য আপনার একটি পয়সাও খরচ হবে না তবে এটি কারও দিন তৈরি করতে পারে।

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